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This page covers several questions for you so that you can determine whether my services would work for you.  If you have a question that is not listed here then please contact me at:,  I will respond to you within 24 hours.








What Are Your Hours?

My hours are 8am - 6pm, M-F, Pacific Time.  


Should you need to reach me during off hours, please note that I will return a response as soon as possible.

Holiday Schedule

Thank you for inquiring.  Services will be unavailable on the following days:


January 20th, Martin Luther King Jr. Day

February 14th, Valentines Day


I Need a Resume Same Day...

Resume's are important and I like to understand your situation and plans first before creating a resume for you.  Prior to determining whether your resume could be done within the same day, please fill out the inquiry form so that I can assess whether this is doable.  Inquiry Form

I Need a Cover Letter Same Day...

Like resume's, Cover Letter's require time to create.​   I do not provide rush services on such an important document.   I would like to gain a better understanding of your situation and plans before committing to any project.  Please fill-out and submit an Inquiry Form so that I can assess your situation and see if this would work for you and myself.

What Type of Guarantee Do You Provide?

I,  and any of the writer's at The Happy Typist, cannot provide a guarantee that you will get an interview or a job.  There are too many factors outside of our control once you begin your job search.  All services rendered are suggestions or for information purposes only.  We are released from any and all liability and are protected under rights to refuse services.  Please view our Terms and Conditions.

How Do I Pay?


I accept PayPal.  On the services page, you click on the Buy Now button located on the bottom right corner of the  service you are interested in.  I then receive notification from PayPal that the payment has been submitted, afterwhich I commence the work.


If you do not have a PayPal account click here:  Read over their services and you can decide if you would like to use them or not.


Unfortunately, all of the payments I accept are only and soley through PayPal at the moment. 

How Soon Can You Work With Me?

If you have an urgent or same day request please fill out the Inquiry Form and submit it so that I can assess your situation and decide whether it is workable or not.  I cannot guarantee that I will get back to you in time to complete a project.  My heart will always want to help everyone, but I also have to respect each client's project.  I currently have a busy schedule throughout the week and will do my best to accomodate when I am realistically able to.  I will let you know up front if I can or cannot do the work.

Why Are Your Rates So Low?

I am interested in helping people.  I know that often, times are hard for people and this is my way of giving back to life.  Sure, I could make a massive profit by charging a ridiculously high rate, but thankfully, my heart guides me and this keeps the rates affordable.

What If You're Not Familiar With My Industry?

I have each and every potential customer fill out an Inquiry Form which provides me details about your background and intention.  If there is still something I am not familiar with, I would ask you.  And, if I feel that I cannot help you and that you are better served by another writer, I would let you know.  Afterall, my intention is to help you.



Can You Help Me Get A Job?

No, I cannot help you 'get' a job.  That responsibility is up to you.  There are a lot of uncontrollable factors that come into play in all situations that our services rendered cannot guarantee an interview or job.

Are Your Services Tax Deductible?

Your tax accountant can determine whether your job search expenses are tax deductible.  My billing is done through PayPal.



Can You Help Me After I Land A Job?

Should you need assistance with Career Management, such as communication skills, English speaking skills, Email Composition Skills,  I do offer an additional service under Career Management Services rendered by a seasoned professional, Tutor.  Read More



Other Questions will be posted periodically.
Please check back with us or email me your question.


What's Your Refund Policy?

Please view our Terms and Conditions for Refund Policy information.  Should you find that you are not satisfied with the services provided, notify us so that we may assign another writer to your project.

Contact: (408) 550-5480

© 2010-2020. The Happy Typist  Disclaimer: All Services Rendered are Suggestions, or for Information Purposes Only.  What Is Done With Them After Rendered Is the Sole Responsibility of The Purchaser.   The Happy Typist,  is Not Responsible For Outcomes and Does Not Guarantee Employment. The Happy Typist, is Released from Any And All Liability and Is Protected Under Rights To Retain The Choice To Not Offer Services.  Terms and Conditions

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